
Account Aggregator


An Account Aggregator (AA) is a type of RBI regulated entity (with an NBFC-AA license) that helps an individual securely and digitally access and share information from one financial institution (referred to ad Financial information Provider/FIP) that they have an account with to any other regulated financial institution ( referred to as Financial Information User/FIU) in the AA network or withdraw is selectively. Data cannot be shared without the consent of the individual.

Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance (SUD Life) shall act both as FIU as well as FIP in the AA Network.

Account Aggregator Framework

Account Aggregators who are associated with SUD Life Insurance and its current status:

Entity Name FIU
CamsFinserve LIVE

Grievance Redressal

At SUD Life, we are sensitive to our customers' needs and aim to resolve all their queries/grievances.

To know more about our grievance redressal process, kindly click here-

Grievance Redressal - SUD Life Insurance
